Grand Junction Municipal Cemetery (Orchard Mesa Cemetery)

Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, United States


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Grand Junction Municipal Cemetery (Orchard Mesa Cemetery)

Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, United States
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The Grand Junction Municipal Cemeteries consist of nine formerly independent cemeteries. They are now maintained by the City of Grand Junction. The phone number for the cemetery office is 970/244-1550 where they have a complete index of graves. The cemeteries include: - Municipal - Calvary - St. Anthony - Masonic - Oddfellows - Veterans - Orchard Mesa - Ohr Shalom - Precious Memories (baby cemetery) Photographing the entire cemetery was completed on March 7, 2015. The dates of completion of individual sections follow. The photographs of the Calvary and St. Anthony sections were completed on 5/24/14. Masonic was completed on 5/26/14. Odd Fellows North was completed on 8/29/14, Odd Fellows South on 11/21/14. The veterans section was completed on 7/7/14. Lower Block A was completed on 9/4/14. Upper Block A was completed on 10/16/14. Block B was completed on 7/15/14. Block C on 9/19/14. Block D on 11/21/14. Block E on 3/7/15. Block F on 9/11/14. Block G on 9/17/14. Block 8 on 9/19/14. Block 9 on 2/20/14. Block 10 on 9/19/14. L.R. Clugg (gpsguy)
Grand Junction Municipal Cemetery (Orchard Mesa Cemetery) , Created by gpsguy, Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, United States