St Mary's Cemetery

Roseville, Floyd, Iowa, United States


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St Mary's Cemetery used to be behind St Mary's Church. About 1956 the cemetery was moved from behind the church to the larger St Mary's Cemetery on 240th Street to the west of the church on the south side of 240th Street. Because no family member was found for a few of the people buried behind the church that could give permission for the Graves to be moved, there are a few Graves still under the parking lot that replaced the cemetery. I remember watching the process of moving the Graves as much as I could during recess and after school. It seemed to me at the time that somehow this was an important event and that someone should be paying attention to the process. Since no one else but the people involved in the movement seemed to be watching, as an 8-year-old I took it upon myself to watch the process as much as I could to make sure that as many graves as possible made a safe transfer to the new cemetery. I did always wonder why it was ok to leave the few people with no one to give permission to move the Graves to be paved over by a parking lot.
St Mary's Cemetery, Created by, Roseville, Floyd, Iowa, United States